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Found 6750 results for any of the keywords corded blind safety. Time 0.022 seconds.
Corded window coverings | Australian Internal Blinds ServiceAt Detector Inspector, we audit window coverings internal blinds to ensure compliance with regulations the latest Australian regulations.
Detector Inspector | Safer HomesWe partner with property managers to make homes safer for tenants and compliance simpler for landlords. Smoke alarm testing, maintenance and installation. Electrical safety checks. Gas safety checks. Corded blind safety
Smoke Alarm Testing Maintenance | Smoke Alarms AustraliaDo you need Smoke Alarm Testing? Smoke Alarm Maintenance? Detector Inspector is the industry leader in Smoke Alarms Australia. Contact for same day service
Our Services - Detector InspectorSmoke alarm safety Our trained technicians provide a comprehensive annual service and safety check of smoke alarms in the home, to protect occupants from harm caused by smoke inhalation. Is your property
Electrical safety - Detector InspectorProviding installation, repair and maintenance of electrical installations, fittings and appliances by qualified electricians.
Safer Home plan - Detector InspectorSmoke alarm, gas and electrical safety checks combined into a low annual fee plan to help you stay compliant under RTA VIC legislation 2021.
Switchboard upgrade service | Detector InspectorFrom March 2023, the minimum standards for rental properties in Victoria require switchboards to have safety switches for all power outlets and lighting circuits.
Gas Appliance Maintenance Carbon Monoxide Testing | Detector InspectCarbon monoxide testing and gas appliance servicing, maintenance and installation in residential properties for real estate agencies, landlords and home owners
Safety switch testing serviceDetector Inspector’s safety switch testing service provides peace of mind that the safety switches at your home are operating correctly providing effective protection against potentially fatal electrocution.
Our careers - Detector InspectorAt Detector Inspector, we are passionate about doing work that matters. Let s redefine home safety compliance together.
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